This handbook is designed to provide you with a guide for planning your graduate program in clinical psychology at Loyola. As such, it is hoped that this handbook will prove to be a valuable resource regarding the requirements, procedures, and opportunities of the Clinical program. It should be noted that, for the most part, the handbook deals with Program and Departmental procedures. On matters concerning Graduate School or University policy, the most recent Graduate School Catalog or the Loyola Student Handbook should be consulted.
While the handbook provides the basic information necessary for successfully negotiating the requirements of the Program, it is not meant to serve as a substitute for our advisory system. You are encouraged to schedule frequent meetings with your advisor to discuss your goals and plans, as well as your progress in the Program. The Program offers many opportunities and options and your advisor's guidance is important to help you maximize your educational experience at Loyola.
GRADUATE SCHOOL STATUS: Students are admitted to the Graduate School of Loyola University in order to study Clinical Psychology within the Department of Psychology. That is, students must follow all the procedures and guidelines established by the Graduate School for such matters as registration, receiving payment of stipends, ensuring full-time status in terms of graduate study, meeting graduation deadlines, etc. Staff within the Graduate School (773) 508-3396 (Granada Center, 4th Floor, Lake Shore Campus) are willing to help students as long as students follow Graduate School procedures. Do not ignore notices, requests or memos issued by the Graduate School and be sure that you are in compliance with Graduate School procedures.
IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CONSULT THIS HANDBOOK AND SEEK OUT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION so that you adhere to required Division, Departmental or Graduate School procedures. If you have questions or are confused, first ask your advisor and if that doesn't suffice, then consult the Director of Clinical Training, Grayson N. Holmbeck, Ph.D., DH-1020, (773) 508-2967. The Clinical Secretary, Jacquie Hamilton, DH-1046, (773) 508-2974 is also a good source of information. Finally, the Student Life Handbook provides helpful information on matters of relevance to your life as a graduate student.
The clinical psychology program at Loyola University is based on the scientist-professional model. An attractive feature of our program is the flexibility and freedom presented to students to pursue careers in different areas of psychology. Our faculty feel that as a result of training with us, you will be well-prepared for careers in research, academic, and/or clinical settings.
The clinical program is designed to produce competent, creative professionals who are capable of functioning in both clinical and research settings. The overall goal of the program is to produce PhD’s in Clinical Psychology who:
1. Have a broad knowledge of scientific psychology;
2. Have specialized knowledge of (a) assessment (including the selection and use of psychological assessment procedures and the interpretation of assessment data), (b) psychopathology, and (c) clinical intervention (including selection and application of empirically-supported interventions and subsequent evaluation of psychological services);
3. Have knowledge and experience related to the planning, execution, evaluation, and dissemination of socially-relevant clinical research,
4. Can effectively communicate their knowledge of psychology across several contexts;
5. Are sensitive to cultural and individual differences and who demonstrate flexibility in the application of psychological principles and techniques to a wide variety of populations and across a range of settings; and
6. Have knowledge of and adhere to the ethical standards of the profession and who have the ability to demonstrate appropriate professional conduct and professional interpersonal relationships.
3.1. Degree Requirements
To receive the Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, students must successfully complete
the following:
1. 72 semester hours of graduate course work beyond the bachelor's degree and entering prerequisites (Required course work is outlined in Section 4);
2. Departmental Masters Qualifying Procedure (see below);
3. Empirical M.A. Thesis (including Oral Defense of proposal and completed Thesis);
4. Clinical Qualifying Examination (written and oral sections);
5. Ph.D. Dissertation (including Oral Defense of proposal and completed Dissertation);
6. 800 hours of approved externship/practicum training experience;
7. A full-time, 1-year APA-approved clinical internship program.
3.2. Masters Degree Requirements
Although the Program is oriented toward the Ph.D., students receive the M.A. as they progress toward the Ph.D. For students who are progressing to the Ph.D., the Master's Degree is generally awarded upon completion of the following:
1. 24 semester hours of graduate course work beyond the bachelor's degree or entering prerequisites (including required clinical core);
2. Departmental Masters Qualifying Procedure (see below);
3. Empirical M.A. Thesis (including Oral Defense of proposal and completed Thesis);
4. Successful completion of the second year practicum sequence.
More specific information about Degree Requirements and the procedures for applying for graduation can be found in the Graduate School Catalog.
3.3. Time Requirements
Students in the Clinical Program are expected to devote full-time to graduate study and complete the requirements for the Ph.D. within 6 years (or less if one enters with advanced standing). The sample program of studies given in Table 1 illustrates a possible timetable for completion of degree requirements. While circumstances may require some adjustment of this timetable, students are encouraged to adhere to this schedule as closely as possible.
You will note from the Graduate School Catalog that the Graduate School deadlines for completion of degree requirements extend beyond those of the Clinical Program. According to Graduate School rules, students entering the University with a bachelor's degree must complete all requirements for the M.A. within 5 years and for the Ph.D. within 8 years. Students entering with advanced standing must complete all Ph.D. requirements within 6 years. It should be noted, however, that these deadlines are outlined with part-time and full-time students in mind. Because the Clinical Program accepts only full-time students, we expect students to complete the M.A. and the Ph.D. within the guidelines outlined by our Program.
Students are expected to complete the requirements for the M.A. and Ph.D. in an orderly, progressive sequence. Perhaps the greatest challenge in doing this is budgeting one's time and balancing the varied requirements of the Program; i.e., coursework, exams, independent research, and clinical work. A suggested calendar or timetable for doing this is presented in section 12. It is also important to work closely with your advisor in planning and setting goals for each year.
Important: Students may not register for more than 4 courses in any semester.
3.3.1. Table 1
Sample Course of Studies
Schedules will vary depending on the availability of courses. A typical program of study for a student entering with a Bachelor's degree is:
Psychopathology (446) 3
Intellectual and Personality Testing (432) 3
Advanced Statistics I & II (480 and 482) 6
Introduction to the Profession of Clinical Psychology (412) 3
Clinical Research Methods (418) 3
General Psychology/APA Core or Electives 3
An Advanced Assessment Course or Elective 3
Theories of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change (469) 3
Practicum in Psychotherapy (464; taken twice) 6
General Psychology/APA Core 6 – 9
Advanced Research Methods/Statistics Course Elective 3
Electives 6 - 9
Thesis Research (complete by end of 2nd year) 0
History and Systems of Psychology (401) 3
Ethics and Professional Practice (510) 3
Human Diversity 3
General Psychology/APA Core 0 - 3
Advanced Therapy Course 3
Electives 9 - 12
Off-Campus Practicum 0
Off-Campus Practicum 0
Dissertation Research 0
Internship 0
Clinical Qualifying Examination (after 3rd year) 0
3.4. Transfer of Credit
According to Graduate School regulations, all requirements for the M.A. must be earned at Loyola University Chicago. Students who enter with a M.A. in Clinical psychology from an accredited institution and who wish to begin Ph.D. work at an advanced level may petition for transfer of credit to the Advanced Credits Committee of the Clinical Division. To do this, students should submit a letter with a list of courses for which credit is being requested, plus transcripts, course descriptions, syllabi, reading lists, or any other available material to the Director of Clinical Training immediately after entering the program. The Director of Clinical Training will review the request, supporting material, and meet with the student. The amount of credit accepted for transfer is contingent upon the evaluation made by the Director of Clinical Training and subsequent approval by the Clinical Division and the Graduate Dean. The Clinical Division limits transfer credit to 24 hours or the amount required for the M.A. at Loyola.
3.5. Student Development/Advising Program
Objectives: The overall objective of the Advising Program is to maximize the professional growth and development of students in the Ph.D. Program in Clinical Psychology by:
1. providing structured advising and assistance in the planning of educational experiences at the beginning and end of each academic year;
2. maintaining contact with field training sites, monitoring the activities of students and their progress in clinical skill development;
3. providing consistent and detailed feedback to students in a personal format.
Both the student and advisor play key roles in the entire planning, monitoring, and feedback process. In essence, this plan provides a general structure for the advisor/student relationship and establishes the advisor as a key person in helping the student to integrate the multiple and diverse aspects of education in Clinical Psychology. Upon entrance to the program, students are assigned an Advisor and students also begin working with a research mentor. After consultation with faculty, the DCT makes these assignments, typically assigning an advisor who is not the same faculty member as the one who is mentoring the student’s research. In this way, the student is free to discuss with one’s advisor issues that may arise regarding any aspect of his/her training. Advisors also help students move through the Program in a timely manner by charting their progress on the different program requirements via Advisor-student meetings at least two times per year. Students are free to request changes in one’s advisors or research mentors at any time (although most of our students do not make such requests).
Advising and Feedback Plan: Students are responsible for scheduling regular meetings with their advisors to consult about the program and their professional development. At a minimum, these meetings should be held as outlined below.
1. At the Beginning of the Academic Year - meet to discuss tasks to be completed for the year, priorities for learning, and a plan for accomplishing goals for the year.
2. At the End of the Academic Year (Prior to the Annual Review) - meet to review
progress toward goals, assess status, make plans for summer. Assess strengths and
3. After Annual Review - meet to discuss feedback from Annual Review.
3.6. Graduation
When a student thinks he/she will be ready to graduate at the end of a particular semester (August, December, or May), he/she should file an application for graduation with the Graduate School. Although degrees are conferred three times per year, a graduation ceremony is only held in May of each year. Thus, if your degree is conferred in August or December, you would participate in a ceremony the following May. The deadline for application is usually about two months prior to graduation (consult graduate calendar for exact dates; http://www.luc.edu/gradschool/index.shtml ). There is also a graduation fee which must be paid prior to graduation.
3.7. Maintenance of Student Status
Students who are on full-time internships and are not taking classes should register for PSYCH 596: Internship in Clinical Psychology for both the Fall and Spring semester when they are on internship. This is a non-credit course which allows students on internship to maintain their student status within the university. This is essential in assuring that the internship is officially recorded on the transcript.
Students who have completed the 72 required credit hours for the Ph.D., but have not completed the Dissertation and are not on internship, must also maintain continuous registration in the Graduate School. While working on the Dissertation Proposal, students should register for PSYCH 610: Doctoral Study. After the Dissertation Proposal has been approved, students must register for PSYCH 600: Dissertation Supervision.
All students who register for either Doctoral Study (PSYCH 610, which is to be taken before the Dissertation Proposal is formally approved) and Doctoral Supervision (PSYCH 600, which is taken after the Proposal is formally approved and while the student is completing the Dissertation) will receive credit for this course work only if the student is making "credit-able" progress during the relevant semester on the Dissertation (i.e., that you have accomplished something that merits receiving credit for 600/610).
Therefore, it is absolutely essential that you document all progress you are making on your Dissertation.
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