Spirulina is gaining more attention from medical
scientists as a nutraceutical and source of potential pharmaceuticals.
There are several new peer reviewed scientific studies about
spirulina's ability to inhibit viral replication, strengthen both the
cellular and humoral arms of the immune system and cause regression
and inhibition of cancers. While these studies are preliminary
and more research is needed, the results so far are exciting.
In April 1 1996, scientists from the Laboratory of Viral
Pathogenesis, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical
School Calipatria, California, announced on-going research,
saying "Water extract of Spirulinu platensis inhibits HIV- 1
replication in human derived T-cell lines and in human peripheral
blood mononuclear cells. A concentration
of 5-10 g/ml was found to
reduce viral production". HIV-1 is
the AIDS virus. Small amounts of
spirulina extract reduced viral
replication while higher concentrations
totally stopped its reproduction.
Importantly, with a therapeutic
index of > 100, spirulina extract
was non-toxic to the human cells at
concentrations stopping viral
Another group of medical
scientists has published new studies
regarding a purified water extract
unique to spirulina named Calcium-
Spirulan. It inhibits replication of HIV-1, herpes simplex, human
cytomegalovirus, influenza A virus, mumps virus and measles
virus in-vitro, yet is very safe for human cells. It protects human
and monkey cells from viral infection in cell culture. According
to peer reviewed scientific journal reports this extract, ". . .holds
great promise for treatment of. ..HIV- 1, HSV- 1, and HCM
infections, which is particularly advantageous for AIDS patients
who are prone to these life-threatening infections."
Calcium-Spirulan is a polymerized sugar molecule
unique to spirulina, containing both sulfur and calcium. Hamsters
treated with this water soluble extract had better recovery rates
when infected with an otherwise lethal herpes virus. How does it
work? When attacking a cell, a virus first attaches itself to the
cell membrane. However, because of spirulina extract, the virus
cannot penetrate the cell membrane to infect the cell. The virus is
stuck, unable to replicate. It is eventually eliminated by the
body's natural defenses. Spirulina extracts may become useful
therapeutics that could help AIDS patients lead longer, more
normal lives.
Spirulina (rhymes with "ballerina") is a traditional food
of some Mexican and Atrican peoples. It is a planktonic bluegreen
algae found in warm water alkaline volcanic lakes. Wild
spirulina sustains huge flocks of flamingos in the alkaline East
African Rift Valley lakes. It possesses an amazing ability to thrive
in conditions much too harsh for other algae. As might be
expected, it has a highly unusual nutritional profile. Spirulina has
a 62% amino acid content, is the world's richest natural source of
vitamin B-12 and contains a whole spectrum of natural
mixed carotene and xanthophyll
phytopigments. Spirulina has a soft
cell wall made of complex sugars
and protein, and is different from
most other algae in that it is easily
Millions of people world
wide eat spirulina cultivated in
scientifically designed algae farms.
Current world production of
spirulina for human consumption
is more than 1,000 metric tons
annually. The United States leads
world production followed by
Thailand, India and China. More
countries are planning production as they realize it is a valuable
strategic resource.
Spirulina is not chlorella, or the blue-green algae harvested trom
Klamath Lake, Oregon. Chlorella, a green micro-algae, is a
nutritious food but does not have the same anti-viral, anti-cancer
and immune stimulating properties of spirulina. The chlorella cell
wall is made of indigestible cellulose, just like green grass, while
the cell wall of spirulina is made of complexed proteins and
The Klamath Lake bluegreen algae has the scientific name
Aphanizo-menon flos-aquae. There are serious concerns about the
safety of eating it because it can sometimes contain potent nerve
toxins. While the scientific literature is full of information
concerning the toxicity of A. flos-aquae and its dangers to
humans and animals, there are few, if any, peer reviewed scientific papers
benefit. In
contrast, the
literature is
full of
the benefits
and safety of
humans and
animals eating
chlorella and
studies show
spirulina or its
extracts can
prevent or inhibit cancers in humans and animals. Some common
forms of cancer are thought to be a result of damaged cell DNA
running amok, causing uncontrolled cell growth. Cellular
biologists have defined a system of special enzymes called
endonuclease which repair damaged DNA to keep cells alive and
healthy. When these enzymes are deactivated by radiation or
toxins, errors in DNA go unrepaired, and cancer may develop.
In vitro studies suggest the unique polysaccharides of
spirulina enhance cell nucleus enzyme activity and DNA repair
synthesis. This may be why several scientific studies, observing
human tobacco users and experimental cancers in animals, report
high levels of suppression of several important types of cancer
after being fed whole spirulina or treated with its water extracts.
Spirulina is a powerful tonic for the immune system. In
scientific studies of mice, hamsters, chickens, turkeys, cats and
fish, spirulina consistently improves immune system function.
Medical scientists find spirulina not only stimulates the immune
system, it actually enhances the body's ability to generate new
blood cells.
Important parts of the immune system, the bone marrow
stem cells, macrophages, T-cells and natural killer cells, exhibit
enhanced activity. The spleen and thymus glands show enhanced
function. Scientists also observe spirulina causing macrophages
to increase in number, become "activated" and more effective at
killing germs.
Feeding studies show that even small amounts of
spirulina build up both the humoral and cellular arms of the
immune system. Spirulina accelerates production of the humoral
system (antibodies and cytokines), allowing it to better protect
against invading germs. The cellular immune system includes Tcells,
macrophages, B-cells and the anti-cancer natural killer
cells.These cells circulate in the blood and are especially rich in
organs like the liver, spleen, thymus, Iymph nodes, adenoids,
tonsils and bone marrow. Spirulina up-regulates these key cells
and organs, improving their ability to function in spite of stresses
from environmental toxins and infectious agents. Spirulina has a dark blue-green color, because it is rich
in a brilliant blue polypeptide called phycocyanin, which affects
the stem cells found in bone marrow. Stem cells are "grandmother"
to both white blood cells that make up the cellular
immune system and red blood cells that oxygenate the body.
Chinese scientists document phycocyanin as stimulating hematopoiesis
(the creation of blood), emulating the affect of the
hormone erythropoetin (EPO).
EPO is produced by healthy kidneys and regulates bone
marrow stem cell production of red blood cells. Chinese scientists
claim phycocyanin also regulates production of white blood cells,
even when bone marrow stem cells are damaged by toxic
chemicals or radiation.
Based on this effect, spirulina is approved in Russia as a
"medicine food" for treating radiation sickness. The children of
Chernobyl suffer radiation poisoning from eating food grown on
radioactive soil. Their bone marrow is damaged, rendering them
immunodeficient and unable to produce normal red or white
blood cells. They are anemic and suffer from terrible allergic
reactions. Children fed just five grams of spirulina tablets each
day make dramatic recoveries within six weeks. Children not
given spirulina remain ill.
Spirulina is one of the most concentrated natural sources
of nutrition known.
It contains all the
essential amino
acids, is rich in
chlorophyll, betacarotene
and its cofactors,
and other
Spirulina is the only
green food rich in
GLA essential fatty
acid. GLA stimulates
growth in some animals and makes skin and hair shiny and
soft yet more durable. GLA also acts as an anti-inflammatory,
sometimes alleviating symptoms of arthritic conditions. Spirulina
acts as a functional food, feeding beneficial intestinal flora,
especially Lactobacillus and Bifidus. Maintaining a healthy
population of these bacteria in the intestine reduces potential
problems from opportunistic pathogens like E. coli and Candida
albicans. Studies show when spirulina is added to the diet,
beneficial intestinal flora increase.
Based on this preliminary research, scientists hope the
use of spirulina and its extracts may reduce or prevent cancers
and viral diseases. Bacterial or parasitic infections may be
prevented or respond better to treatment, and wound healing may
improve. Symptoms of anemia, poisoning and immunodeficiency
may be alleviated.
Scientists in the US, Japan, China, Russia, India and
other countries are studying this remarkable food to unlock its
potential. More research is needed to determine its usefulness
against AIDS and other killer diseases. However, it is already
clear that this safe and natural food provides concentrated
nutritional support for optimum health and wellness.
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